Omegle è un sito per fare amicizia che funziona in modo semplicissimo, senza necessità di registrarsi: inizi una chat e il sito prende un altro utilizzatore a caso e vi fa chattare in modo del tutto anonimo, a meno che non siate voi a voler rivelare dettagli personali. Ho appena provato e questa è la breve conversazione che ne è scaturita. Io sono “You”, l’altro utilizzatore preso a caso è “Stranger”. I link esplicativi sono ovviamente miei.
You: hi
Stranger: hello
Stranger: How do you feel about blind orphans
Stranger: opn a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being you want to see them die in a nuclear holocaust
You: i don’t have any feeling about’em
Stranger: 10 you want to make them into a delicious stew
You: this convo ain’t interesting for me, bye bye.
Stranger: LIKE A TRUCK
You: I don’t think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Se provate anche voi e vi vengono fuori conversazioni di qualche interesse postatele pure nei commenti che ‘sto blog si fregia di essere interattivo yo.
Connecting to server…
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Say random !
Stranger: monrad
You: You’re now a server…
Stranger: it’ random random
You: 3874 random stranger online
Stranger: Wait lets start over, this is not going to work this way!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback.
Connecting to server…
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi monrad!
Stranger: how’s life?
You: You’re 3874 partner
Stranger: what u mean?:P
You: send random feedback. :P
Stranger: lolz
Stranger: where you from
You: from work
Stranger: haha:P
Stranger: where do u work?
You: Your conversational partner is not going to random work…
You: haha
You: Say lolz!
Stranger: lolz?:P
You: where do u lolz?:P
Stranger: everywhere if i want to :P
You: Your conversational server has disconnected.
You: :P
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback.
Connecting to server…
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Say lolz!
Stranger: jessica?
You: jessica has disconnected.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback.
Connecting to server…
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: jessica?
Stranger: no
You: where do u lolz?
Stranger: bbrazil
You: jessica is chatting with a bbrazil server. Say server!
You: or send us work.
Stranger: server!
Stranger: work
You: 3882 bbrazil users online. Say 3882!
You: no
You: no
You: no
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback.
Connecting to server…
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: 3871 bbrazil users online. Say 3871!
Stranger: HAI~
Stranger: ..
You: Say HAI~!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback.
Connecting to server…
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: oi
You: Your partner has a random partner. Say oi!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback.
Connecting to server…
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Berlusconi: “Il governo è presente e random”
Stranger: haha, hello
Stranger: and i don’t understand italian, sorry
You: haha, sorry!
Stranger: no problems
You: no problems. You’re now chatting with a random butt…
You: say sorry!
Stranger: frankly, i do understand a little bit, ‘cause it’s really close to portuguese
You: E’ quasi scontato che anche al Senato il decreto legge ‘portuguese’ verra’ licenziato con un voto di fiducia, come gia’ accaduto alla Cuccarini.
Stranger: ok, i was wrong. i can’t understand a word that you write haha
You: @$%* @§ %&%
You: #** @§ °%&#°§*
You: °#° *§*@*
You: do you understand?
Stranger: no
Stranger: haha
You: %&%@$ #**@**§ {#° ££}
You: frankly, @#@##@$%$%
Stranger: oh sorry, %$¢|#@!
You: %$¢|#@? i can’t understand…
You: i do understand a little bit, ‘cause it’s really close to @%&#°#@@$£
Stranger: why not? it’s so obvious
You: ok, i was *&%&%. no problems
You: Berlusconi: “Il governo è @#§°#££#@”
Stranger: you gotta be kidding me
You: Número de mortos pelo terremoto na região central da Itália sobe a 3627 users online
Stranger: hm
You: Comunistas propõem 25 anos de prisão social para Jesualdo Ferreira
Stranger: can you talk like a normal person?
You: Trabalhadores independentes também vão receber reembolso de na bola
Stranger: DE NA BOLA?
You: can you talk like Cavaco Silva? AIUHAUAHIOAHOAIHAIHIA
Stranger: cavaco? auahuahuhaa
You: Dragão!
Stranger: good
You: Um estudo elaborado pela Federação Europeia para o Transporte eo Ambiente (T&E) defende que os governos europeus devem aumentar os colisões na EN 109
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback.
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: how are you?
Stranger: decent, yourself?
You: mhh.. tired.. I’m preparing an examination..
Stranger: oh. sounds pretty dire.
You: i have to tell you a thing
Stranger: sorry to hear
Stranger: kay
You: I am the Saviour
You: do you believe me?
Stranger: no
Stranger: cause i am the ressurection
You: ahh!!
You: I resurrected you!
You: by my computer!
Stranger: i am trapped in your computer
You: ahhh! It’s true!
Stranger: copy this conversation into a notepad
You: how can i help you?
Stranger: and put that notepad on a cd
Stranger: and fling it out the window
You: ooook!
You: I’m working on it
Stranger: thank you my son
You: oh shit i don’t have an empty cd
You: I need to buy it next morning
Stranger: thats okay i’m lying nayway
You: so, if i shut up the pc you die?
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: _______________________|______|
__________.__C____) just_(_(____>__|__/
You have disconnected.
Io ho fatto amicizia.
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: i come from Italy
Stranger: uuu
Stranger: nice place
Stranger: i’m from brazil
Stranger: =(
You: i know only a phrase in brazilian
Stranger: aeiheehioehuoehue
Stranger: say it
You: “sciuncuanta, bello”
Stranger: aeohuieuioheehioehua
Stranger: O_O
Stranger: i never heard that before man
Stranger: but is fun as fuck
Stranger: aeoiuaeoauehoaehuae
You: yes!
You: it’s related
You: that’s the phrase that the brazilian whores says to potential clients in the streets
Stranger: seems like the brazilian whore havent came from here
You: they try to learn italian
You: with oral exams
Stranger: eauaeaieuh
You: i go now
You: my mission here is ended
Stranger: by
Stranger: bie
You: ciao
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Nuxx, ci fai un post al giorno con le tue conversazioni su Omegle? Sembra che l’abbiano inventato apposta per te… :)
You: hi
Stranger: The last stranger tried to sell me a bigger penis. You aren’t, are you?
You: You’re now chatting with a random server. Say penis!
Stranger: Va-jay-jay!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hello:D
Stranger: r u there
You: You’re now chatting with random penis. Say omegle!
Stranger: omegle!
Stranger: :D :D :D
You: r u hah
Stranger: how r u
You: Stranger
Stranger: i suppose
Stranger: where r u from?
You: i suppose You’re Connecting from a random stranger server
You: Va-jay-jay!
Stranger: i am connecting from dirty country named poland
Stranger: :D
You: Your conversational partner connecting from a bigger country. :D
Stranger: and this is LOL site
Stranger: go to 4chan:D
You: You’re now chatting with a LOL dirty penis
Stranger: so go and clean it up
Stranger: dirty penis stink like a old fish
Stranger: :D
You: The last stranger tried to sell me a conversational fish. Va-jay-jay!
Stranger: cool
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: Va-jay-jay!
Stranger: wazzup nig’?
You: i am connecting from dirty country named wazzup
You: You’re now chatting with a random dirty penis. Say omegle!
Stranger: wawawewaa omg roar*
You: go to omg server and clean it
Stranger: yeah
You: r u a wawawewaa old fish?
Stranger: ya pussy sux like old fish nig’
You: The last stranger tried to sell me a roar* pussy. i suppose
You: yeah nig’!
Stranger: the last stranger tried ta sell my some weed
Stranger: and i got some ;)
You: the last stranger tried ta sell me 2213 penis
You: and i got a disconnected conversational partner
Stranger: nice
You: and this is nice site. :D
You: how r u nig’?
Stranger: fuckin’ high my friend
Stranger: u know what?
You: i got 2247 fuckin’ friends. hah hah hah
Stranger: hahaha i’ve got 2247 fuckin’ high friends
Stranger: u got rick rolled
Stranger: next song flittschen
You: where r u from? from dirty country named flittschen i suppose.
You: so go and clean it up nig’!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi
You: Va-jay-jay!
Stranger: cześć
You: where r u from? from dirty country named cześć i suppose.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi
You: cześć cześć cześć
Stranger: lol
Stranger: where are you from ?
You: where r u from? from dirty country named lol i suppose.
Stranger: Belgium and France and you ?
You: i got 2343 weed friends from Belgium. wawawewaa!
Stranger: what ? xD
Stranger: where you from you ? xD
You: i got a dirty penis. clean it or send us feedback.
You: xD
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: xD
Stranger: :D
You: The last nig’ tried to sell me conversational weed. Say lol!
Stranger: nig’?
You: i got 2378 penis. Va-jay-jay!
Stranger: i think that person is a fucking retarded ass who needs to die and grow a tumor on his anus
You: Your conversational partner has disconnected his anus.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi
You: xD
Stranger: Dx
You: where r u from? from dirty country named Dx i suppose.
Stranger: nope
You: lol
Stranger: The country of XP
Stranger: *not related to windows
You: i got 2357 tumor. and you ?
Stranger: what?
You: u got rick rolled
Stranger: oh shit
Stranger: I love that song
Stranger: *never gunna give you up, nevver gunna let you down*
You: u r fuckin’ high my friend. I love shit
Stranger: I have one of those
Stranger: brb
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi!
You: Your conversational partner needs to die
Stranger: why?
You: i think that person is a fucking retarded
You: i suppose. Va-jay-jay!
Stranger: but… sometimes everyone is “retarded” for someone else, don’t you think?
You: and sometimes everyone is a conversational partner for someone else, don’t you think?
You: send us feedback
Stranger: hahaha! so “others” are always creepy
You: “others” are always high my friend. but… u got rick rolled
Stranger: lol!
Stranger: never let U down ;-)
You: You’re now chatting with a fish. Say *never gunna give you up, nevver gunna let you down*!
Stranger: see ya!
You: cool
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server…
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi!
Stranger: Your conversational partner needs to die
You: why?
Stranger: i think that person is a fucking retarded
Stranger: i suppose. Va-jay-jay!
You: but… sometimes everyone is “retarded” for someone else, don’t you think?
Stranger: and sometimes everyone is a conversational partner for someone else, don’t you think?
Stranger: send us feedback
You: hahaha! so “others” are always creepy
Stranger: but… u got rick rolled
You: lol!
You: never let U down ;-)
Stranger: You’re now chatting with a random server. Say creepy!
Stranger: ;-)
You: see ya!
Stranger: cool
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: hi
You: hello thetre
Stranger: u from uk?
You: France,
You: actually I’m in France, but I’m not frech, thx god!
Stranger: so why u in france
You: stupid answer: “why not”, real one: “I got here @ one point”
Stranger: so whats your age and r u a fella or a gal
You: 30 mate, and I’m a chick with dick ;)
Stranger: a chick with a dick
Stranger: chicks have no dicks your a bloke
Stranger: just a man with a dick
You: nope, you see there is a third way… I’ve got tits, and I really look like a girl, but with a surprise! LoL
You: How do you feel about blind orphans?
You: on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being you want to see them die in a nuclear holocaust and 10 you want to make love to them
silenzio silenzio fino a quando…
Stranger: by the way 1
Stranger: just getting my speech rec to transalte as i have no eyes or parents to help
Stranger: what a question
You: i know
You: nothing personal just random question
Stranger: dont worry if i had eyes i would cry now
You: what about anal fisting?
Stranger: Is that supposed to be funny ? boring cunt you are.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
volevo scrivere qualcosa di intelligente del tipo:
ma perchè se questa chat fosse italiana i dialoghi sarebbero solo a sfondo sessuale?
bisogna fare come fa Valido, allo sconosciuto bisogna tirargli fuori qualcosa. (non suona benissimo, me ne rendo conto).
Connecting to server…
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: Hello, i’m from tokyo
You: WOW!! i love Japan!!!
Stranger: Wow, i bet you like hentai?
You: lol, yes not bad
You: i’m from italy
Stranger: ugh, actually im from Italy too, i lied to you.
You: ma davvero?
Stranger: do you really think i didnt lie this time?:d
You: fuck u ^^
You have disconnected.
Poi basta :)
You: hi
Stranger: I aint getting on no plane with no fool
You: woo-hoo!
You: finally
Stranger: Quit your jibber jabber
You: tell me more
Stranger: Gimme a glass of milk and I’ll tell you sucker
You: here you go
You: go on :)
You: it took me three chats before finding a proper loony, and I finally got one
You: entertain me :)
Stranger: I aint saying nothing without some money, let me hold a dollar
You: there my friend, a proper virtual dollar for you
You: now dance
Stranger: Now you just gave me an imaginary glass of milk and an imaginary dollar and you called me a loon
You: yep, isn’t the internet amazing? :)
Stranger: hahahaha
You: good one mate, have a good day!
Stranger: you too lid
You have disconnected.
You: oi
Stranger: oi?
Stranger: howdy!
You: howdy?
You: oi!
Stranger: what language is “oi”?
You: something like hey
Stranger: sounds Australian or brit
You: ahaha no, I’m italian
Stranger: ahhh! Sounded like what those punk bands would say
You: yes, that’s true
Stranger: british punk from the late 70’s
You: you’ll right
Stranger: OI! hahahahaha
Stranger: that’s funny.
Stranger: any girls on here?
You have disconnected.
Stranger: hi
You: ciao
Stranger: how are you
You: estoy bien y tu?
Stranger: i’m good
Stranger: at work
Stranger: procrastinating
You: oh, lot of work I suppose
Stranger: not exactly
Stranger: hence this website
Stranger: my boss wants me to use it to talk about our organization
Stranger: im just trying to get a feel for it
You: I cant believ it
You: sorr
You: which kind of organization?
You: selling bibles?
Stranger: humane society of baltimore
You: I would have prefered to buy a bible
Stranger: where are you from?
You: indonesia
You: but i’m polish
Stranger: where in?
You: felagouti
Stranger: sweet
Stranger: i’m in the states
Stranger: boring.
You: ow…
You: I’m sorry
Stranger: yeah i’m working on it
Stranger: hopefully i’ll get out after college
You: so… talk me about this job…
Stranger: i do marketing work for the humane society
Stranger: we try to get homeless animals adopted
You: do you have a web site?
You: I’m in it
You: your boss will be proud of you!
Stranger: haha
Stranger: do you have any pets?
You: yes
You: dags
Stranger: how many?
You: 2 dogs… 1 turtle
You: 2 cats
You: the dogs had sons
uaaa, ho chattato con uno che mi ha detto di essere del texas, che ha sempre sognato di venire in vaticano, perchè dio è grande e love jesus foreva end eva. :P
straordinario, è il vuoto, è un buco nero (nessuna battuta, sporcaccioni!), è gente che si butta là fuori come un auto-amo per vedere se raccatta qualcosa di interessante. insomma, è una normalissima chat, è il ritorno alle origini.
You: hi
Stranger: huy
You: what’s up?
Stranger: wat ya doing
You: are you by chance having a random conversation just to blog it somewhere?
Stranger: yes maybe?
You: cool, me too!
You: do you think this bit is enough?
Stranger: really
Stranger: no not yet
You: uh ok
…ho disconnesso lo stesso :D
You: hi
Stranger: omg omg omg
Stranger: now, this actually works
You: any problems with the omgs?
Stranger: not really :)
You: this has always worked
Stranger: first time I’m trying this
You: it’s not so much work, you know…
Stranger: so, what’s the purpose of this?
You: my first time too
You: I think, testing the NOTHING in form of casual conversation
Connection imploded.
Dico, imploded.
(fermatemi, potrei continuare all’infinito)
fantastico lo stranger filosofo del #5
You: hi
Stranger: hello!
Stranger: what’s your name? ^^”
You: Dario
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Ancora più esigente.
Stranger: fap
You: no really hi!
Stranger: fap fap fap
You: fap stands for?
Stranger: *splooge*
Stranger: ah
Stranger: im glad we did this
Come inizio non è male:
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: are you there?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: but you have no proof of that
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: Anal rapist?
You: Nah, don’t think so
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: please
You: hi there
Stranger: i need you babe
Stranger: don’t leave me
Stranger: I can’t stand to live without you
You: that’s exactly what i am going to do
Stranger: *takes gun from pants*
Stranger: goodbye
You: bye, “babe”
Stranger: i always loved you
ottima segnalazione!
allora inconsapevolmente è stata una conversazione tra cinefili, fatta (forse esclusivamente) di citazioni di dialoghi. questo aumenta o diminuisce la pazzia?
“My love for you is like a truck, Berserker”
Questa frase è ripresa da Clerks, la canta l’amico russo di Silent Bob