martedì, 30/06/2009

When I said I wanted to be your swine

Come annuncia lui stesso sul suo diario (nella entry con data 27 giugno), nel corso del tour sudamericano Jens Lekman si è preso l’influenza suina.


I picked home one last souvenir from South America, it’s called the H1N1 virus. Wrongfully known as the Swineflue.

I was crossing the Atlantic when things started getting really bad, the fever was hallucinogenic and shaking me like a leaf and I grabbed the sleeve of the Air France steward. "I’m not feeling well, I should see a doctor" I said and the reply came as a brilliant mix of death anxiety and french rudeness: "Uh, yes… Terminal D… go there maybe… when we land". After that the stewards and stewardesses took long detours. A ring of empty seats formed around me. Peoples eyes were kind but determined, they read "Poor you, I really wish you all the best but if you come near me or my kid I will have to stab you with this plastic fork". I got up and went to the bathroom where I fainted.

Now I’m in quarantine for ten days. I can see the summer through my window and it’s just perfect. Summer is always best through a window. [#]

Auguri Jens! Rimettiti presto!


Jens Lekman – I don’t wanna die alone (MP3)


3 Commenti a “When I said I wanted to be your swine”:

  1. elisina ha detto:

    macchè poraccio, è una gran figata la quarantena…l’estate di fuori…

  2. utente anonimo ha detto:


    He seems like such a good man! (at least what I can tell from his lyrics…)

    I had to write up a Get Well card for him. in protest of this dastardly swine flu.

  3. utente anonimo ha detto:

    poraccio, mica lo sapevo!