-Disclaimer di rito-
Mp3 and video links posted on this site are for evaluation purposes only and point to files already available somewhere across the web. If you like them, buy the CDs and support the artists. If you are the artist or the copyright owner and would like a link removed, just let me know. I'll take it off, and you'll lose some free promotion. Now, that's smart.
Hotel Supramonte —> Treno da perdere
Durango —-> Sto Deserto
West Virginia — Country roads
Dublin — Rocky Road
Marrakech – Marrakech Express, come dicevano CSN
te —> treno (dei desideri, volendo)
"I'm considering a move to L.A. ("He's considering a moooove to EEEELLLEEEII!)"……………. How can I get there? With a one-way ticket to hell?
If you're going to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
Paradiso città > Treno
Downbound >>>>> Train
Philadelphia >>>>> Sailing Ship
Cairo >>>>> Night Boat
Hang-out lane >>>>>>> Midnight Tube
Glory >>>>>> Trans-Canada Highway
your door >>>>>>>> (indovinate, è facilissimo)