In Yow We Trust
I can swim, I can’t swim, I can swim, I can’t swim
I can swim, I can’t swim, I can swim, I can’t swim
Well here’s a notion, a single idea
Swing by the ocean, because
I can’t swim, I can swim, I can’t swim, I can swim
I can’t swim, I can swim, I can swim, I can swim
Hang by a maritime, marine at nighttime, waiting waterlogged down by the high sea
Waiting (wading) waterlogged, for that guy to arrive
Oh he don’t know that
I can swim, I can’t swim, I can’t swim, I can swim
If there was even one chance, that he would come along
If there was even one chance, that he would come alone
If there was even one chance, that he would come along
If there was even one chance, and take a drink by the drink
Fucked up in the flood, stoned
And get soused by the sea
And take a dip, in the briny deep
Hang by the maritime, marine at nighttime
Waiting waterlogged, down by the high sea
Wading waterlogged, for that guy to arrive
Well he don’t know that
I can swim, I can’t swim, I can’t swim, I can swim
I can’t swim, I can swim, I can’t swim, I can swim
I can swim, I can’t swim, I can swim, I can’t swim
Well here’s a notion, a single idea
Swing by the ocean, because
I can’t swim, I can swim, I can’t swim, I can swim
I can’t swim, I can swim, I can swim, I can swim
Hang by a maritime, marine at nighttime, waiting waterlogged down by the high sea
Waiting (wading) waterlogged, for that guy to arrive
Oh he don’t know that
I can swim, I can’t swim, I can’t swim, I can swim
If there was even one chance, that he would come along
If there was even one chance, that he would come alone
If there was even one chance, that he would come along
If there was even one chance, and take a drink by the drink
Fucked up in the flood, stoned
And get soused by the sea
And take a dip, in the briny deep
Hang by the maritime, marine at nighttime
Waiting waterlogged, down by the high sea
Wading waterlogged, for that guy to arrive
Well he don’t know that
I can swim, I can’t swim, I can’t swim, I can swim
I can’t swim, I can swim, I can’t swim, I can swim
[photo by Kris Mestdag]
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di questo signor Obama mi incuriosisce la lista dei suoi finanziatori…
Ma, accidenti a me! non me ne va bene una!
peccato non si trovino filmati di quel concerto, ma su youtube ho trovato questo:
David Yow merita senza dubbio la Casa Bianca con Duane Denison come vice e Steve Albini segretario di stato.
Ho adorato quest’uomo. Sì l’ho adorato. E l’adoro tuttora, ricordandolo nelle sue scorribande. Il ricordo più fulgido che ho in testa e che lo riguarda è di un’era fa. Ero andato a vedere i Jesus Lizard a Ponderano in provincia di Biella. Da casa mia sono 300 km. solo andata ed ero giovane ed entusiasta. Il concerto fu fenomenale. Alla fine del gig incontrai David che mi strinse la mano. Quella mano che solo pochi minuti prima, stringeva i propri genitali sul palco, illuminandoli con un faretto…
Non lo capisco.